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Select video and generate embed code
Embed the code on your website – and you’re done!
Benefits for Publishers
NO CHARGE & NO MINIMUM TERMFree access including glomex player with no subscription fees and no minimum term
PREMIUM CONTENT POOLHuge content pool comprising over 1,000,000 videos from prestigious licensors, plus exclusive content from ProSiebenSat.1 Group (e.g. GNTM, Promi Big Brother, and many more)
INTUITIVE VIDEO PLATFORMIntuitive platform, simple integration into your CMS via embed code or optionally an API interface
ATTRACTIVE REMUNERATIONIndustry-leading monetization and attractive revenue share model
NO LICENSE FEESNo costs for content licensing
GDPR COMPLIANTIntegration compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Product & technology
In addition to the intuitive platform and an innovative player, glomex offers numerous other features that help publishers optimize their video strategy.
Premium content & services
A wide range of exclusive premium videos are available in the top video categories. Innovative services make integration easy.

glomex not only provides the content and technology, but also manages the monetization. The connected marketer network guarantees high advertising utilization and above-average CPMs.
Our customers

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